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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-12
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The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is one of the most well-known romantic novels in American literature of the nineteenth century. And the unprecedented use of symbolism in the book keeps its unique position in American literature. Symbolism is a kind of writing skill that bestows the specific objects with profound and abstract meanings. Hawthorne is regarded as the pioneer of using symbolism in literature. He is significant as a romantic writer; his work reveals the moral isolation with the individual isolated from the community and shows the effect of the hidden sin and secret guilt. This paper mainly focuses on the analysis of the aesthetic functions of symbolism, combined with The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne. And it will also emphasize the symbolic meanings of the scarlet letter A based on the novel.


Key words: The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne, symbolism, sin, characterization




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction of Hawthorne and his Work-1

1.2 Introduction of The Scarlet Letter-2

1.3 Introduction of Symbolism-3

2. Symbolism and The Scarlet Letter-4

2.1 The Definition of Symbolism-4

2.2 The Characteristics of Symbolism-4

2.3 The Symbolic Significance in The Scarlet Letter-5

2.4 The Purpose and Significance of the Present Study-5

3. The Analysis of Symbolic Meaning in The Scarlet Letter-7

3.1 Scarlet Letter A for “Adultery” “Shame”-7

3.2 Scarlet Letter A for “Able” “Strength”-7

3.3 Scarlet Letter A for “Angel”-9

3.4 Scarlet Letter A for “Anguish”-9

3.4.1 The Anguish of Chillingworth-10

3.4.2 The Anguish of Dimmesdale-10

3.4.3 The Anguish of Hester-11

3.5 The Dynamics and Diversity of the Scarlet Letter A-12

4. Conclusion-14

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Symbolism is a kind of literature rhetorical device that uses concrete and ordinary objects to convey more abstract and deeper meanings, which can enlighten readers’ imagination and create more connotative meanings to make the work profoun......
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