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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-13
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This dissertation is based on the studies of New Curriculum Standards and many current lesson objectives theories, mainly including teaching objectives categories of Bloom and learning result categories which play an important role in formulating teaching objectives. The dissertation consists of five chapters. The first chapter analyzes the definition and the importance of LO. Next is the second chapter that provides the principal basis of LO. The third chapter mainly analyses five principles of LO. The forth chapter analyses the three-dimension and five-dimension objectives as well as the level 1 and level 2 requirements in primary school with an example of teaching plan that explains how to make English LO effective.


Key words:  lesson objectives formulation; Bloom’s teaching objectives categories; Gagne’s learning objectives categories; the new Curriculum Standards; principles of formulating lesson objectives





1.Introduction  1

1.1 The definition of lesson objectives 1

1.2 The importance of lesson objectives .1

2. Development of theories for lesson objectives.2

2.1 Bloom’s three categories of teaching 2

2.1.1 Categories in cognitive field.2

2.1.2 Categories in emotional field 3

2.1.3 Categories in motor field  3

2.2 Gagne’s five categories of learning4

2.2.1 Verbal skill  4

2.2.2 Motor skill  5

2.2.3 Intellectual skill5

2.2.4 Cognitive strategy  .5

2.2.5 Attitude.6

3. Principles for designing lesson objectives  6

3.1 Humanism6

3.2 Accordance  7


3.4 Hierarchy.8

3.5 Flexibility8

4. How to make objectives more effective8

4.1 Three-dimensional objectives .8

4.2 Five-dimensional objectives  9

4.3 Requirements of instructional objectives in primary school .11

5. Conclusion  14

Reference 15

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:How to formulate lesson objectives depends on how learners study and what they expect Ts teach instead of Ts’ subjective willingness. Furthermore, the centre of all teaching activities is learners and the object is Ts.......
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