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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-13
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The images of vampire has a long history. In modern society, vampire culture has become an unique and bright part in pieces of art in western culture. Firstly, this paper traces the birth of vampires in western world, including the legends of vampire in primitive society and the images of vampire in religious culture. Secondly, the paper discusses the the developing progress of vampire. In addition, the widespread of plague speeds people’s fear for vampire. While in 18th century, the images entered into the area of literature and now it has become a part of culture, which is not only popular in western countries but also have effects on Ghost Culture in China. Last but not least, this paper tells about the broadcasting condition of vampire in China and analyzes the inspiration and enlightenment of vampires for Ghost Culture.


Key Words: Vampire culture; western culture; religion; literature





1. Introduction.1

2. The Origin of Vampire2   

2.1 Legends of vampire in primitive society.2

2.2 The image of vampire in religion3

3. The Development of Vampire Culture.5  

3.1 People’s fear of diseases in Europe.5

3.2 Classical image of vampire in western fictions.7

3.3 The popularity of vampire in modern world.8    

4. The Broadcasting of Vampire Culture in China.9 

4.1 The enlightenment to Ghost Culture in China.9

4.2 The cultural value of vampire10

5. Conclusion11 


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:This paper tries to trace the birth of vampires in western world, the development of vampire in primitive society, in religious culture, the bloody diseases and the modern western countries. Besides, it tries to discuss the broadcasting of v......
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