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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-13
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Currently, economical, political and cultural developments are huge and China and western countries have deeper and wider communication especially on food. Currently, people have such various table cultures that more and more choices can be made. As it known to all, modern and developed western dietary culture attracts so many Chinese people, and so are the western people. However, due to the different dietary cultures including background, concept, cooking, table manners, etc. difference between China and western countries’ dietary cultures exists and needs people’s more attention. Both the advantages and disadvantages exist in Chinese and western dietary cultures Chinese people believe that healthy eating habit is the priority while the Western culture is more advanced than the Chinese and favors adventure and exploration. We hold the hope that people will learn from the each other advantages to overcome their weakness by the means of comparison and make progress in human society.


Key words: advantages and disadvantages; dietary cultures; adventure and exploration; table manners





1. Introduction1

2. Background information of Chinese and western dietary cultures2

2.1 Background information of Chinese dietary culture2

2.2 Background information of western dietary culture.3

3. Differences between Chinese and western dietary concepts.4

3.1 Chinese dietary concept5

3.2 Western dietary concept6

4.Differences between Chinese and western dietary culture in the following aspects.7

4.1 Chinese and western dietary contents8

4.2 Chinese and western table manners9

4.3Chinese and western tableware.11

4.4 Chinese and western seating arrangement.12

5. Conclusion19


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:The difference between two sides of the world can fully show the diversity and complexity of each culture. This paper pays more attention on the characteristics,concepts and other details of distinct cultures.......
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