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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-15
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To further improve English teaching in primary school, the Ministry of Education has called upon primary schools around the whole country to set up English language courses from the autumn of 2001. However, there exist some prominent problems in the process of practicing primary school English classroom teaching. This dissertation does an analysis of the problems from the aspect of teachers, teacher’s teaching methods and student’s individual difference. Then some relevant countermeasures are put forward to improve the efficiency of the classroom teaching.


Keywords: primary school English classroom teaching; existing problems; relevant countermeasures





1. Introduction--1

2. Literature Review--2

3. Actual Problems Existing in Primary English Classroom Teaching--3

3.1 Basic requirement of primary school English course.-.-3

3.2 English teaching goals in primary school.---4

3.3 The problems existing in primary English classroom teaching-.-4

3.3.1 Problems existing in the teacher--4 Teachers’ weak professional quality-.-5 Inappropriate teaching methods--5 The single teaching evaluation.--6

3.3.2 Problems existing in the students--7

4. Relevant Countermeasures. 8

4.1 To improve teachers' professional skills and teaching ability--9

4.2 To improve the teaching methods-.-10

4.3 To foster and sustain students’ learning interest.-.-11

4.4 To use appropriate teaching evaluation-.-12

5. Conclusion--13


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:With the development of the times and the deepening of the curriculum reform, more and more attention has been paid to English teaching in primary school. This is consistent with the requirement of "three faces"; it is the need of improving ......
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