
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-22
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In the course of English learning, the appropriate learning strategies can help learners to acquire skills which are useful to their studies, and then they are able to get better result with half the effort. The importance of English learning strategies is self-evident, and many scholars have made a special study. However, in the past research, the study of the application-oriented undergraduate students learning strategy is very few. Application-oriented colleges and universities attach importance to practice teaching and strengthen the cultivation of applied talents. The English learning of students in application-oriented colleges is directly related to the ability to work in the future,and it is of great significance to understand the current situation of students' English learning strategies and puts forward some suggestions. Shandong Youth College of political science, as an applied undergraduate college, the use of English learning strategies of students in the school provides real and reliable material for this study. Through the questionnaire survey, and other research methods to communicate with students, I can gather the data of their English learning strategies, collect information concerning their use of English learning strategies, and on the basis of analysis of the current data, the information of these data can be analyzed, the status of the use of English learning strategies can be understand, the students ' learning strategies summarized, and the merits and problems pointed out. On the one hand, the learners can find suitable learning methods, cultivate their independent learning ability, improve the ability of self-management in the learning process, stimulate the motivation of English learning, and improve the effectiveness of learning. On the other hand, it can make educators understand the learning profiles of English learners better, and then provide help for teaching research, course setting and textbook compilation. By choosing appropriate learning methods, students’ learning efficiency can be improved, so as to achieve the mastery of this foreign language, and it provides a theoretical basis for teachers who teach students in accordance of their aptitude, helping them achieve the teaching purpose better.


Key words: English learning strategy ;Application-oriented institutes ;English learners






Chapter 1 Literature Review-3

1.1 English learning strategies-3

1.1.1 The definition of English learning strategies-3

1.1.2 Classification of language learning strategies-4

1.2 Application-oriented institutes-4

1.2.1 The concept of Application-oriented institutes-4

1.2.2 The teaching method of Application-oriented institutes-5

1.3 Research situation at home and abroad-6

1.3.1 Research on current situation of English learning strategies-6

1.3.2 Research on factors affecting the choice of English learning strategies-7

1.3.3 Research on English learning strategies of students in application-oriented colleges-8

Chapter 2 Investigation and Implementation-9

2.1 Survey Objective-9

2.2 Respondents of the Investigation-9

2.3 Investigation Method-10

2.4 Questionnaire design and procedures-10

2.5 Data Collection-11

Chapter 3 Survey Results and Analysis-12

3.1 The Application of English Learning Strategies for Students in Applied Undergraduate Colleges-12

3.2 An analysis of the problems and causes of students' English learning strategies in Applied Undergraduate Colleges-14

Chapter 4 Summary and suggestions-17

4.1 A summary of English learning strategies in Applied Undergraduate Colleges-17

4.2 Suggestions on the choice of English learning strategies in application oriented Colleges-18





上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:其校内学生的英语学习策略使用情况为本次研究提供了真实可靠的素材,可通过问卷调查法等研究方法与学生进行交流, 搜集他们的英语学习策略使用情况,并且分析总结这些资料信息,......
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