
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-30
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1 Introduction-1

2 Literature review-2

2.1 Previous research on business negotiations-2

2.2 Research on vague language at home and abroad-3

3 The concept and characteristics of vague language-4

3.1 Definition of vague language-4

3.2 The characteristics of vague language in business negotiations-4

4 The effect of vague language in business negotiations-6

4.1 The positiveness of vague language-6

4.2 The negativeness of vague language-6

5 Pragmatic analysis of vague language in business negotiations-8

5.1 Breach of quantity-8

5.2 Breach of quality-9

5.3 Breach of manner-9

5.4 Breach of relevance-10

6 Strategy of vague language in business negotiations-11

6.1 Vague words-11

6.2 No direct and specific reference-11

6.3 Complain in a negotiated way-11

6.4 Avoid explicit statements-12

7 Conclusion-13


上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:As the process of globalization of the world economy accelerates, more and more businessmen have realized the importance of business negotiations gradually. When different companies represent different interests at the negotiating table, bot......
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