
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-12
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Nowadays, reading teaching and writing teaching is very important in English language teaching in our country’s English language teaching. Meanwhile, the procedure of reading and writing teaching is also intrinsic. So, in our teaching, most of our teachers and students have to put a lot of energy into English language teaching. Due to this situation, we can find a way in which we can mix reading teaching with writing teaching on purpose, then insert critical thinking into students’ mind without mentioning, and use plenty of scientific teaching methods to teach. That will make our English class more efficient and practical. My thesis aims at finding a new way to combine reading class with writing class in a scientific way according to the advanced teaching method,and insert the scientific critical thinking ways into the whole progress. At the same time, listening class and speaking class can also seek for some new ways to carry on.

First of all, nowadays, most of the reading class use the models of pre-reading class and while reading class and post-reading class, and this is the basic structure of reading class. In the pre-reading class, most of our teachers will use the topic as the lead-in step, or design some warming-up activities, and it is deserved to learn. And in the while-reading class, the situational teaching and TBLT language teaching are always used, and they are advanced. However, there is a big problem in our writing teaching, that is, the efficiency of output is comparably low. So, how to solve the problem of output is a key point to be illustrated in this thesis, besides that is the adjunction of mixing reading class with writing class in English language teaching.

Meanwhile, in the writing class the small amount of input is also a big problem: there are rare effective inputs in our writing teaching due to the class lack the effective inputs from our reading class. The thesis aims at exploring how to apply the effective reading outputs into writing teachings to make our class more practical and effective.

Critical thinking should be insertedt into reading class reasonably. Teachers can make students talk the words, sentences, even structures with critical thinking. So it can gradually cultivate their critical thinking. It will be helpful for them to practice their critical thinking, and make their judging more reasonable.

From this research, we can find that mixing reading class and writing class, especially mixing the “post-reading class” with “pre-writing class”, will help students to have a better understanding of reading and have more effective output, and the cultivating of critical thinking will be good for students’ further study and thinking.

 Meanwhile, there is a large amount of drawback. Firstly, the research lacks universality, so this researcher should do some wide ranges of researching from primary school to high school. Second, this research just result in rare literature, so researcher should read more books and continue the research. Finally, the standard of English language teaching of researcher should be raised, so researcher should keep going on for his goals.


Key words: reading teaching  writing class  critical thinking






1.Literature review-1

2.Reading teaching and writing teaching-3

2.1 The real reading and writing class in English teaching-4

2.2 Problems of reading class: lack of utility, critical thinking, output-6

2.3 Problems of writing class: lack of input, scientific task design, critical thinking-7

3. Critical thinking-8

3.1 Overview of critical thinking-9

3.2 The application of critical thinking in class-9

4.Mixing critical reading class with critical writing class-9

4.1 The combination of post-reading class with beginning of writing class with critical thinking-10

4.2 The combination of post-reading class with beginning of writing class with critical thinking ple class-11

4.2 Sample class-11

4.3 Fast reading step with critical thinking inserting-11

4.4 Intensive reading step with critical thinking inserting-12

4.5 The adjunction of reading and writing class-13

4.6 The advanced teaching methods in the adjunction: The zone of proximal development, critical thinking-13

4.7 The final output-14

5. Concusion-19



上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:批判式思想在英语教学中,特别是阅读教学中,教师应该合理将其插入其中。在“阅读中”教学中:教师可以引导学生去对字词,语句,甚至篇章结构进行批判性的讨论,在提高学生学......
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