
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Vampire is an image of folk literature with a long history. In the contemporary western culture, the vampire culture has historical backgrounds and realistic meanings. Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice’s first vampire novel published in 1976, has become a great success and drawn the international attention. Louis is a main character in the novel. After becoming a vampire, his life changes a lot. Many scholars mainly focus on the topics like the male homosexuality and the special family in the novel. Few scholars have analyzed the main vampire characters from the perspective of psychology. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze Louis’s behaviors from the perspective of Maslow’s need-hierarchy theory. From this analysis, we can get a better understanding of the character Louis and the vampire culture. This thesis also analyzes the social problems reflected in his behaviors such as the crisis of religion and the decline of self-identity in America. 


Keywords: vampires; behaviors; Maslow’s theory; needs; reflections





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-3

3. Maslow’s Need-hierarchy Theory-4

4. The Analysis of Louis’s Behaviors under Maslow’s Theory-6

4.1 The Instinctive Desire for Blood-6

4.2 Keeping away from Dangers-7

4.3 Belonging and Love from Louis’s Nuclear Family-8

4.4 Louis’s Choice of Armand for Esteem Needs-9

4.5 Louis’s Failure to Realize Self-actualization-10

5. The Reflections of Louis’s Behaviors-11

5.1 The Crisis of Religion-11

5.2 The Decline of Self-identity-12

6. Conclusion-13

Works Cited-14

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:大部分学者主要关注该书中的一些另类话题,例如书中男同性恋和特殊家庭。很少有人从心理学角度分析书中的主要人物。本文试图从马斯洛需求层次理论来分析路易的不同需求。通过......
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