
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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British went through a golden age in 1813-1873 during which many outstanding authors like Jane Austin emerged. Plenty of female writers appeared to pay more attention to social and family status of the women. Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice and Mrs. Gaskell’s North and South portrayed two heroines Elizabeth and Margret. The thesis uses the theory of Animus to compare the two heroines concerning with their family backgrounds, behaviors, and characteristics. It concludes that Elizabeth and Margaret with  feminine consciousness waking up fight with marriage and destiny but eventually compromise to the reality.


Key words: female images; feminine consciousness; fight against destiny; compromise to reality





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Differences between Elizabeth and Margaret-3

3.1Disparity of family backgrounds-3

3.2 Distinction of behaviors-4

3.3 Diversity of characteristics-7

4. Conclusion-10

Works Cited-12

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文作者因而从中挑选出具有代表性的由奥斯汀的创作的《傲慢与偏见》和盖斯凯尔夫人的《南方与北方》,用阿尼姆斯原型理论来对这两部作品中的两位女主人翁进行对比,从他们的......
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