
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Harry Potter series written by a famous English writer J.K.Rowling became one of the most popular fantasy and magic literary works in the modern world. As we all know, many western literature works are associated with religion and Myth. As a Christian, the writer J.K.Rowling was greatly affected by Christianity. Therefore, based on Jung’s archetypal theory the writer attempts to dig out the biblical archetypes of Harry Potter not only in three main characters which includes Harry Potter, Professor Albus Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort but also in plots including love, suspect and paradise. Through the analysis, the writer tentatively proposes J.K.Rowling’s general religious view on love, righteousness, temptation and her expectation of religious belief regression, which helps readers enjoy the magic atmosphere and understand the beauty, the good and the true meaning of the life. 

Key words: Harry Potter; biblical archetypes; religious view





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Research Done in China-2

2.2 Research Done Abroad-2

3. Archetypes in Main Characters-3

3.1 Lord Voldemort: The Archetypal Shadow-3

3.2 Harry Potter: An Archetypal A Hero-4

3.3 Albus Dumbledore: The Archetypal A Father And A Wise Old Man-5

4. Archetypes in Plots-6

4.1 Suspect and Believe-6

4.2 Love-7

4.3 Temptation and Test-8

4.4 Paradise-8

5. Tentative Study on J.K.Rowling’s Religious View -9

6. Conclusion-9

Works Cited-11

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文尝试从荣格的原型理论入手,深入挖掘小说的主要人物包括哈利波特,邓布利多教授以及伏地魔的圣经原型和情节原型包括爱,怀疑和乐园等的圣经原型。在原型分析的基础上初步......
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