
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Red Sorghum, is one of Mo Yan’s novels. When it is translated into the United States, it comes into the commercial channels. Domestic and foreign scholars are strongly interested in it and they are attracted to study it due to its excellent representation. 

Under the framework of domestication and foreignization and the Skopos theory, this paper will find out how to deal with specific local cultural elements in English version by comparing the source and English version of Red Sorghum. 

After a review of the two translation strategies: domestication and foreignization, it is indicated in the thesis that numerous disputes can be found over these two strategies both in China and in the west. To tackle these problems and complement their deficiencies, the author employs the Skopos theory to provide a new perspective on domestication and foreignization at issue.        The thesis concludes that the Skopos theory is effective in explaining domestication and foreignization adopted in English rendition of local culture in Red Sorghum. The choice of domestication and foreignization in the translation of local culture is determined by the purpose the translator wants to achieve and influenced by many factors.。

Keywords: Red Sorghum; local culture; domestication; foreignization;       Skopos theory





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Purpose of the Study-1

1.3 Research Questions-2

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Brief Introduction to MoYan and Red Sorghum-2

2.2 Brief Introduction to Howard Goldblatt and Red Sorghum-3

2.3 Brief Review of Theoretical Framework of Culture Translation-5

2.4 Brief Introduction to Definition and Typology of Local Culture-6

2.5 Previous Studies on Translation of Local Culture-8

3. Translation of Local Culture in Red Sorghum-9

3.1Translation of Religious Culture-9

3.2 Translation of Political Culture-10

3.3 Translation of Address Terms-12

3.4 Summary-13

3.5 Discussion-13

4. Conclusion-14

4.1 Major Findings-14

4.2 Limitations and Further study-14

Works Cited-15

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:中西翻译史上都有关于翻译策略的选择问题长久争。为探讨这个人们争论不休的问题,作者将从“目的论”的角度来分析。论文认为,目的论有效的解释译者翻译乡土文化所采用的归化......
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