
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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 In recent decades, red tourism is rising and prospering, which has become spotlight of foreign visitors. However, the current red tourism translation is far from satisfaction. Unqualified translation is likely to convey wrong information and misunderstanding of Chinese culture. Red tourism is a typical activity of cross-cultural communication, so intercultural awareness should be taken into consideration when we translate red tourism materials.

     This thesis analyzes Chinese red tourism translation from intercultural perspective. It points out some intercultural factors and requirements and proposes specific strategies in order to improve the quality of translation and publicize Chinese culture to make foreign visitors correctly understand the Chinese revolution history,thus to promote communication and cooperation with other countries.


Keywords: intercultural communication; red tourism translation; translation strategies





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Intercultural Communication-2

2.2 Red Tourism and Red Tourism Translation-3

2.3Relation between Intercultural Communication and Red Tourism Translation-5

3. Translation Strategies of Red Tourism from Intercultural Perspective-7

3.1 Intercultural Factors Influencing Red Tourism Translation-7

3.2 Intercultural Requirements of Red Tourism Translation-9

3.3 Translation Strategies of Red Tourism-11

4. Conclusion-16

Works Cited-17

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文从跨文化交际角度分析中国红色旅游的翻译,指出影响翻译质量的因素和具体翻译要求,并提出具体的翻译策略,旨在提高中国红色旅游翻译的质量,正确地宣传我国的文化,让外......
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