
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Movie is the tool to convey ideology. Hollywood movies play an important role in propagating ideology. And Chinese images in Hollywood movies help the world learn about China better. In recent years, there have been many related studies, but most of them are limited to specific periods or specific groups in Chinese history. Therefore, these studies can not reflect Chinese images in Hollywood movies in different times accurately, subjectively and roundly or reveal the factors that contribute to the evolution. Consequently, in the light of ideology according to Said’s Orientalism, this essay analyzes the features of and reasons for the evolution of Chinese images in Hollywood movies in different periods, finding that Chinese images in Hollywood movies from the end of the 19th century to the present have gone through the following periods: exotic, legendary, positive ally, red menace, controversial and heroic, positive and diversified from the perspective of Sino-US relationship as well as explore factors that contribute to the phenomenon and find solutions to help establish a good Chinese image.


Key words: Hollywood movies; Chinese images; Evolution; Ideology





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Chinese Images in Hollywood Movies from the end of the 19th Century to the Present-3

3.1 Exotic: before 1908-3

3.2 Legendary: 1910s-1937-4

3.3 Positive Ally: 1937-1949-6

3.4 Red Menace: 1949-1972-7

3.5 Controversial and Heroic: 1972-1999-9

3.6 Positive and Diversified: 1999-2013-10

4. Factors Contributing to the Evolution-12

5. Conclusion-15

Works Cited-18

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文根据萨义德的东方主义理论体系,从意识形态角度出发,旨在系统分析不同历史阶段好莱坞电影中中国人形象的变迁特点及其原因。结果发现从时间顺序上从19世纪末至今的好莱坞电......
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