
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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With the development of Chinese economy, China’s advertising industry is growing at an astonishing speed. Therefore, advertising translation has attracted more and more attention. Advertising translation is a cross-cultural communication, thus cultural differences have a significant impact on advertising translation. From the perspective of cultural differences, this paper compares the differences of Chinese and western culture by case study and emphasizes the impact of these cultural differences on advertising translation. This paper consists of six parts. Chapter one introduces the research’s background, purpose and significance. Chapter two is the literature review. It reviews the research on advertising translation in China and western countries, and then presents the problems existing in previous studies. Chapter three introduces the definition, purpose and impact of advertising. Chapter four mainly analyzes the cultural differences and their impacts on advertising translation. Chapter five is about cultural adaptation applied in advertising translation. Chapter six is a summary of this thesis; it also puts forward some suggestions for future research. 


Key words: advertising translation; cultural differences; cultural adaptation





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Advertising-3

3.1 Definition of advertising-3

3.2 Purpose of advertising-3

3.3 Impact of advertising-4

4. Cultural Differences and Their Impacts on Advertising Translation-4

4.1 Differences in cultural values-5

4.2 Differences in viewpoints-5

4.3 Differences in life styles-6

4.4 Differences in purchasing psychology-7

4.5 Differences in aesthetic standards-8

5. Cultural Adaptation Applied in Advertising Translation-8

5.1 Adaptation to the social world-9

5.2 Adaptation to the physical world-10

5.3 Adaptation to the mental world-10

6. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文由六个部分组成。第一章介绍本文的研究背景、目的和意义。第二章是文献综述,回顾了中西方广告翻译的历史,并提出当前广告翻译中存在的问题,第三章介绍广告的定义,目的......
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