
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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With the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the USA, exchanges between Chinese and Americans are increasingly frequent. However, due to the cultural differences, there are many problems in cross-cultural communication. Privacy is one of them. So far, many scholars have studied the differences in the Sino-American privacy concepts from different perspectives. Based on their findings, this thesis first classifies the differences in the Sino-American privacy concepts into verbal and nonverbal aspects. In the verbal aspect, the cultural differences about the privacy are presented in the conventional sayings, euphemisms about economic status, old age, marriage, divorce and conversation topics. In the nonverbal aspect, the different privacy concepts are displayed concerning the space. Next, the thesis tries to analyze the reasons for these differences in reference to the history of the two countries, and discovers that Chinese’s collectivism and Americans’ individualism are the main factors. And earlier economic forms, nation’s institutions and the degree of legal protection are also important factors which can’t be ignored.


Keywords: Sino-American privacy concepts; verbal aspect; nonverbal aspect





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. The Differences in Sino-US Concepts of Privacy-3

3.1Verbal Aspect-3

3.2 Nonverbal Aspect-6

4.The Reasons for the Differences in Sino-US Concepts of Privacy-8


4.2 Earlier Economic Forms-10

4.3 Nation’s Institutions and the Degree of Legal Protection-10

5. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本篇论文首先将中美隐私观差异归为语言方面和非语言方面,然后分析了差异的原因。语言方面的差异包括三个方面:传统的谚语;形容经济地位、年老、结婚、离婚等方面的委婉语;......
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