
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Movie reflects abundant cultural elements as a form of art, so the culture of a nation can be portrayed vividly in its movies. Mulan is a story that has been told for ages, from the Chinese popular Ballad of Mulan to the cinematic telling-the 1998 feature film production of Mulan by American Disney Company as a cartoon, and the film gained great success in the world. Although Hua mulan is a traditional person in the Chinese ancient story, the movie was tinted with modern American culture. Taking American Disney Movie Mulan as an object of research, this paper intends to compare Chinese and American different culture from three aspects, Firstly, traditional virtue in China and individual freedom in America; secondly, patriotism in China and individualism in America; finally, male chauvinism in China and feminism in America. Meanwhile, it is hoped that it could make people understand the different culture from different nation when enjoying movies.


Keywords: The Mulan Ballad; Disney movie Mulan; Chinese and American different culture






2.Literature Review2

3. Traditional Virtue in China and Individual Freedom in America.. 3

3.1 Traditional Virtue in China...3

3.2 Individual Freedom in America....4 

4. Patriotism in China and Individualism in America...5

4.1 Patriotism in China5

4.2 Individualism in America..6

5. Male Chauvinism in China and Feminism in America..7

5.1 Male Chauvinism in China....7

5.2 Feminism in America.....8

6. Conclusion.......9

Works Cited...11

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:花木兰在中国传说故事中是一个传统女性人物,而电影中的花木兰却贴上了美国现代女性文化的标记。本文以动画片《花木兰》为研究对象,拟从三个角度,首先是传统美德在中国和个......
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