
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Firstly, this thesis states the definition of euphemism. Secondly, this paper puts the key point on the negative influences of English euphemism produced in the process of social communication from the perspective of social linguistics and makes a deep research with examples. Particularly, much discussion has been on three aspects of negative influences including female discrimination, the whitewash of truth on international affairs and people’s psychological inferiority feeling. Finally, this paper discusses how to avoid the negative influences of English euphemism and affords some effective methods. Learning and mastering the negative influences of English euphemism have certain practical meanings to college students in the process of cross-culture communication and help us to make a deep understanding on the way of thinking, social and moral values and customs in western countries.


Keywords: Euphemism; Female discrimination; Whitewash truth; Inferiority feeling; Methods





1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review . 2

3. Definition of Euphemism3

4. Negative Influences of English Euphemism.4

4.1 Leading to Gender Discrimination against Women4

4.2 Whitewashing the Truth in International Affairs.5

4.3 Bringing Psychological Inferiority Feeling to People8

5. Methods of Avoiding the Negative Influences of Euphemism.10

5.1 Getting Guidance from the Teacher While Studying the Euphemism11

5.2 Considering the Situation While Using the Euphemism12

5.3 Showing Our Stand While Using the Euphemism.12

6. Conclusion.13

Works Cited. .15

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文首先阐述委婉语的定义,然后从社会语言学的角度,结合实例,从三个方面重点讨论委婉语在社会交际过程中产生的负面影响:女性歧视、掩饰国际事务中的真相和引发心理自卑感......
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