
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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 Tragedy is a non - material culture in human drama history.  Chinese and English tragedies both illustrate the life philosophy through the description of characters and the development of conflict. However, because of the differences between Chinese and English cultures, they take on different manifestations. Different cultures have generated different dramatic forms. Herein it takes Hamlet and Chinese Orphan for example to explore the differences of tragedy characteristics between Chinese and English tragedies by comparing the characters, the conflict, the ending and the tragic spirit. Thus, it may help the English learners appreciate English dramas, and enhance their English literature attainment.


Keywords: tragedy characteristics; characters; tragic spirit; conflict





1. Introduction-1

1.1 The significance of the study-1

1.2 The Organization of the Study-2

2. Literature review-2

2.1 A Brief History of Chinese and English Drama-2

2.2 Characteristics of Tragedy-3

3. Comparison of the Tragedy Characteristics between Chinese and English Drama-5

3.1 Comparison of Tragedy Spirit between Chinese and English Drama-5

3. 2 Comparison of the Tragedy Characters between Chinese and English Drama-6

3.3 Comparison of Tragedy Ending between Chinese and English Drama-7

3.4 Comparison of Tragedy Conflict between Chinese and English Drama-8

4. Comparative Analysis of Characteristics in Hamlet and Chinese Orphan-9

4.1 Tragedy Spirit in Hamlet and Chinese Orphan-9

4.2 Characters in Hamlet and Chinese Orphan-10

4.3 Tragedy Ending in Hamlet and Chinese Orphan-11

4.4 Tragedy Conflict in Hamlet and Chinese Orphan-12

5. Conclusion-13

Works Cited-14

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文以《哈姆雷特》和《赵氏孤儿》为例,透过剧中的人物性格、悲剧命运、矛盾冲突及悲剧精神的对比分析来说明中英悲剧特点的差异。通过本文以期帮助英语学习者理解英语戏剧作......
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