
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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 Lin Tai-yu and Jane Eyre as the heroine of Dream of Red Mansions and Jane Eyre are two very distinctive features of the literary characters. They have a striking similarity in terms of life experience, etc., but entirely different in encounters and love. Comparing their similarities and differences not only help readers deepen their understanding of two literary works, and it helps the reader understand the cultural differences between Chinese and Britain. The thesis compares and analysis Lin Tai-yu with Jane Eyre from the cross-culture cultural point in their personalities, similar life experience and love but different life circumstances and emotional journey to explore and reveal the concepts of love between Lin Tai-yu and Jane Eyre and the cultural roots, thus accelerating cross-cultural communication between China and Britain and promoting the relationship between two peoples.


Keywords: Lin Tai-yu; Jane Eyre; Concepts of love; culture roots






2.Literature Review1

3.Brief Introduction of Lin Tai-yu and Jane Eyre...2

3.1 Lin Tai-yu2

3.2 Jane Eyre3

4. The Concepts of Love of Lin Tai-yu and Jane Eyre.5

4.1 The birth of love5

4.2 The development of love ...5

4.3 The end of love ...9

5. The Reasons for the Differences in the Concepts of 

Love Between Lin Tai-yu and Jane Eyre ..10

5.1 Differences in the living environment.10

5.2 Differences in social time background.10

5.3 Differences in Chinese and British culture in that time.11

6. Conclusion.13

Works Cited...14

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:林黛玉和简爱作为《红楼梦》和《简爱》的女主人公,是极具鲜明特色的文学人物形象。她们在身世经历等方面具有惊人的相似性,但两者的遭遇,爱情结局等又截然不同。比较她们的......
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