
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-18
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 In more than one century The Scarlet Letter has been one of the most frequently analyzed works of American literature, which to great extent lies in that it depicts the society as it actually was at that time. And it has also been considered as a reflection of women’s problems at that time. As an honest and thoughtful writer, Hawthorne narrates the story of Hester’s miserable life, reveals us the women’s marginal position in a Puritan society, and meanwhile, exposes mercilessly the cruelty and the prejudice against women of Puritan society. Through his carefully observation on women’s life and artistic creation, he successfully creates a new image---Hester, a rebel against the social order of Puritan community. Through the analysis of two heroes and the heroine, oppression on women in patriarchal society and the Puritan society, this thesis tries to complete an interpretation of the novel from the perspective of post colonial feminism and will be in-depth exploration of feminism in the Scarlet Letter, to reveal its social values. What’s more, it also calls on people to pay attention to and support the oppressed women to fight for their own legitimate rights and interests.


Keywords: 《The scarlet Letter》; Hester Prynne; post-colonial feminism; patriarchal society; puritan society






1.1 A brief introduction of Hawthorne and his novel1

1.2 Introduction to post-colonial feminism ..2

2.Literature Review3

3.Hester’s suffering from Double Colonization .4

3.1Reflection of the patriarchal influence.. 4

3.2Reflection of the puritanical influence.....6 

4.Resistance of the Heroine to Oppression6

4.1Hester’s instinctive self-awareness6

4.2Hester’s brave fighting7

5. Conclusion..10

Works Cited12

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文将运用后殖民女性主义理论,通过分析两个男主人公, 男权社会及清教社会对女性的残酷压迫,深入探索小说《红字》中的后殖民女性主义意识,揭示小说的社会价值,呼吁人们关注......
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