
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-12
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Abstract: This thesis introduces the definition of ellipsis from the perspective of context of  pragmatics and expounds the four principles that ellipsis should comply with in advertisements. By means of listing some advertisement cases which use the ellipsis in situational context and cultural context, the paper analyses the reasons why the advertisements get success or failure. At the same time, the thesis explores the rhetorical effect produced by omitting different components. This study aims to realize the significance of the creation of the advertising language, deepen the understanding of English advertisements, help us to understand the writing and features of English advertisements and create more excellent English advertisements. 

Key words: context; ellipsis; advertisements; application





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Definition of Ellipsis

2.2 Ellipsis and Context

2.3 Current Findings

3. The Principles of Ellipsis to Advertisements 6

3.1 Economic Principle

  3.2 Focus Principle

  3.3 Cooperative Principle

  3.4 Communicative Principle

4.Application of Ellipsis to Advertisements8

4.1 Ellipsis in Cultural Context

4.2 Ellipsis in Situational Context

5. Conclusion15



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:本文通过列举英语广告实例,分析情景语境和文化语境下省略的运用手法以及广告成功或失败的原因。本文旨在实现语言对广告创作的指导意义,加深我们对英语广告的认识,帮助我们......
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