
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-12
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Abstract: As the trend of economic globalization boosts increasingly, the development of business gets prosperous contemporarily and therefore commercials have become one of the indispensable procedures in international marketing. As a forceful tool of product marketing which is concise, intuitive, vivid and easy to be remembered, commercials have been implied widely from corner to corner and also has a great impact on society. Whereas in the course of commercials translation, some translators’ ignorance of differences in culture, customs and value etc. which often leads to pragmatic failures in commercials. English and Chinese are two languages that have been extensively used. Therefore the pragmatic failures and strategies in commercial translations are worth studying. This thesis takes commercial translations between English and Chinese as research projects; it expounds systematically aims and principles of commercials; meanwhile it gives examples to analyze pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic failures, offers strategies about how to avoid pragmatic failures on the basis of adaptation and skopos theory. These can help reduce and avoid pragmatic mistakes, therefore to convey commercials’ information more exactly and vividly.


Key words: commercials translation; pragmatic failures; linguistics; adaptation; skopos theory

上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:英语和汉语作为两种被广泛使用的语言,其翻译中的语用失误和策略更值得进行深入研究和探讨。本文以中英商业广告翻译为对象,系统阐明了针对该类广告的翻译目的及其翻译准则,......
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