
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-14
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Abstract: Since the price a world language must pay is submission to different kinds of use, many varieties of English appear. Language varieties have always been an important aspect in sociolinguistic research. They are mainly influenced by regional and social factors. Generally speaking, there are four types of language varieties: standard variety, regional variety, social variety and functional variety. Many scholars study and analyze them from the perspective of literature and translation. This paper attempts to analyze dialogues in the movie My Fair Lady from sociolinguistic angle, focus on regional variety and social variety caused by differences of region, gender and social status. The paper hopes to help the reader know better the charm of language and have a profound understanding of My Fair Lady.

Key words: language varieties; My Fair Lady; regional variety; social variety





1. Introduction.1

2. Literature Review2

3. Regional Varieties in My Fair Lady  3

3.1 Regional Varieties in English

3.2 Analysis of Regional Varieties in My Fair Lady

4. Social Varieties in My Fair Lady 5

4.1 Social Varieties in English

4.2 Analysis of Social Varieties in My Fair Lady

4.2.1 Non-standard Stage

4.2.2 Semi-standard Stage

4.2.3 Standard Stage

5. Conclusions 9



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:一般说来,语言变体大概有四类:标准变体,地域变体,社会变体和功能变体。许多学者从文学和翻译的角度对这部作品进行研究分析。本文试图在语言变体理论的指导下,基于电影《窈......
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