
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-14
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Abstract:The book Moment in Peking is an English masterpiece by Lin Yutang during the Anti-Japanese War dedicated to “the brave Chinese soldiers” with the aim of introducing Chinese society and culture and helping change westerners’ understanding of China. According to skopos theory, translation purposes decide translation strategies and methods, and the whole translation process is governed by skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. With Zhang Zhenyu’s Chinese version of Moment in Peking, this thesis analyzes folklore translation and finds that, with aim of cultural reconstruction, Zhang Zhenyu tries to preserve distinctive ethnic features in the source text and ensure the readability of the target text through domestication with flexible application of deletion, addition, modification and literal translation.

Key words: Lin Yutang; Moment in Peking; skopos theory; folklore translation





1. Introduction.1

2. Introduction to Skopos Theory2

 2.1 Skopos Rule 

 2.2 Coherence Rule

 2.3 Fidelity Rule

3. Translation of Folklore in Moment in Peking4

 3.1 Definition of Folklore

 3.2 Application of Skopos Theory in Folklore Translation

 3.2.1 Purpose of Folklore Translation

 3.2.2 Strategy of Folklore Translation

 3.3 Translation Methods of Folklore

 3.3.1 Deletion

 3.3.2 Addition

3.3.3 Modification 

3.3.4 Literal Translation

4. Conclusion 10



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:《京华烟云》是林语堂先生于抗日战争时期创作的一部英文巨作,题献给“英勇的中国士兵”,目的在于向西方介绍中国社会,传播中国文化,有利于转变西方社会对中国的看法。依据......
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