
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract:Jack London’s “Love of Life”, one of the most excellent short stories in his North Tales, tells a gold rusher’s triumph over adversity. To further dissect the theme of this fiction,the thesis focuses on the American spirit exhibited in the story. The thesis explores the American spirit from the aspects of individualism, heroism and dignity respectively. By analyzing the main character’s experience as a lonely warrior, this thesis holds that Jack London aims at praising individualism of pioneers by depicting a tough man who gets over adversities solitarily. Via describing his struggling in the extreme tribulations, Jack London eulogizes the main character’s heroism. Through depicting his fighting with the sick wolf and his due respect to Bill, Jack London emphasizes the commendable quality of remaining dignity in adverse situation and not treading on others’. It concludes that the fiction extols the confirmed individualism, dauntless heroism and sacred dignity which are the essence of American spirit. 

Key words: “Love of Life”; the American spirit; individualism; heroism; dignity





1. Introduction1

1.1 Introduction to Jack London

  1.2 Introduction to “Love of Life”

2. Literature Review.3

3. The American Spirit in “Love of Life”..4

  3.1 Individualism: Fighting as a Lonely Warrior

  3.2 Heroism: Struggling in the Extreme Tribulations

  3.3 Dignity: Challenging the Threat of the Sick Wolf

4. Conclusion .9



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:文章认为杰克·伦敦刻画这样一个独自走出困境的勇士为了赞颂拓荒者的个人主义;其次通过描写他在极端恶劣的环境中的挣扎与求生,杰克·伦敦赞颂了主人公在困境中表现的英雄主义......
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