
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract: Conrad’s Heart of Darkness has received great attention at literatus and been interpreted from various perspectives since its publication. What Conrad mainly wants to depict in this novel are the ruthless, never-ending exploitation and oppression of the natives by the white men and the hidden dark desires in the deepest part of human nature. This thesis, by analyzing the protagonist Kurtz’s metamorphosis in Africa, attempts to probe into the causes of his self-exile. Kurtz enters the heart of Africa with his original intention of being a civilization emissary there, but he becomes a slave to desires in the jungle. Spellbound by the fortune obtained illegally, Kurtz turns into a devil and forfeits his life. It concludes that the causes of Kurtz’s self-exile are ascribed to the evil side of human nature and to his boundless desires for power and fortune.

Key words: Heart of Darkness; Conrad; Kurtz; self-exile; desires





1. Introduction1

1.1 Introduction to Joseph Conrad

1.2 Introduction to Heart of Darkness

2. Literature Review. 2

3. Self-exile of Kurtz.3

3.1 Being the Civilization Emissary for His Original Intention

3.2 Being A Slave to Desires in the Jungle

3.2.1 Desires for Power

3.2.2 Desires for Fortune

3.3 Being Spellbound by the Loot

3.3.1Exploitation and Oppression of the Natives

3.3.2Resistance to Marlow

4. Conclusion .09



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:库尔兹抱着文明肃清的初衷进入非洲腹地,后来却变成了丛林中欲望的奴隶,最终被不法之财迷惑变成魔鬼,走向灭亡。文章得出结论将库尔兹自我放逐的原因归结于他人性中的黑暗面......
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