
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract: Francis Scott Fitzgerald is a famous American novelists in the early 20th century. His representative work The Great Gatsby is a microcosm of the 1920s America. Fitzgerald positions the trend of the society into the personalities of the characters in The Great Gatsby. This paper mainly analyzes the characters- persistent and tragic Gatsby, innocent and changeable Daisy, snaky and indifferent Tom, conservative and neutral Nick, and their connections in the novel. Through the research of the personalities of the characters through the plots, and the analysis of their different fates caused by their respective character, the paper reveals the social reality of America in the 20th century and shows the pursuit of dreams of that generation. 

Key words: The Great Gatsby; character; analysis





1. Introduction...1

1.1Introduction to F.Scott Fitzgerald and the novel 

1.2 Literature Review

2. An Analysis of the main characters in the Novel..4

2.1 Jay Gatsby--persistent and tragic

2.2 Daisy Buchanan--innocent and changeable

2.3 Tom Buchanan--snaky and indifferent

2.4 Nick Carraway--conservative and neutral

3. Conclusion8



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:论文主要分析了小说主要人物的性格—执着追求的盖茨比、天真善变的黛西、冷漠狡猾的汤姆、保守中立的尼克,以及他们在故事情节中的相互联系,文章通过小说情节研究人物性格,......
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