
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Amy Tan and Her Achievements-1

1.2 Introduction to The Joy Luck Club-1

1.3 Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Orientalism and Edward Said-4

2.1 Definition of Orientalism-4

2.2 Reasons of the Popularity of Orientalism-4

2.3 Edward Said and His Orientalism-4

2.3.1 Introduction to Edward Said-5

2.3.2 Edward Said’s Orientalism-5

2.4 Orientalism and Literature-5-

Chapter Three Orientalism in The Joy Luck Club-6

3.1 Impression of China-6

3.1.1 The Suffered China-6

3.1.2 Mysterious China-6

3.2 Impression of Chinese Women-7

3.2.1 Ignorant and Stupid-7

3.2.2 Weak and Meek-8

3.3 Impression of Chinese Men-8

3.4 Chinese Traditional Superstition-9

3.5 Chinese Food Culture-10

Chapter Four Reasons of Orientalism in Amy Tan’s Works-11

4.1 Internal Factors-11

4.2 External Factors-12

Chapter Five Conclusion-13




The Joy Luck Club is the first novel written by Amy Tan who is an Asia American woman writer. As one of the America’s four best-selling books in 1989, it is regarded as Tan’s masterpiece. The novel includes sixteen interwoven short stories, which show the cultural conflicts between Chinese mothers and their America-born daughters.

However, after reading the novel, readers may find that The Joy Luck Club, to some extent, alienates, distorts and even demonizes China, Chinese people and Chinese culture. Based on Said’s postcolonial theory, orientalism, this paper attempts to analyze how Orientalism is constructed in the book and explores the possible reasons for Amy’s negative view. It is hoped that through this paper, readers will have a better understanding of the novel and the author. 


Key words: The Joy Luck Club  Orientalism  China  Amy Tan

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:阅读小说读者可以发现,谭恩美在一定程度上疏远,扭曲甚至妖魔化中国,中国人民和中国文化。根据萨义德的后殖民主义理论,东方主义,本文试图分析东方主义在此书中的构建并探......
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