
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Arthur Miller-1

1.2 Introduction to Death of a Salesman-1

1.3 Literature Review-2

1.4 Composition of the Paper-3

Chapter Two The Tragedy of Willy Loman-4

2.1 Willy’s Failure as a Salesman-4

2.2 Willy’s Failure in His Family Life-5

2.2.1 Failure as a Father-5

2.2.2 Failure as a Husband-6

Chapter Three The Causes of Willy Loman’s Tragedy-8

3.1 The Social Environment-8

3.1.1 The Social Background of America-8

3.1.2 The Prevalence of American Dream-9

3.2 Willy Loman’s Weaknesses-10

3.2.1 The Overemphasis on Popularity-10

3.2.1 Confusion and Contradiction-11

3.2.3 Selfishness and Irresponsibility-12

Chapter Four Conclusion-13




Arthur Miller is considered as one of the most distinguished contemporary American playwrights. His plays explore themes of individual and social commitment, familial relationships, and moral obligation. Death of a Salesman in 1949 brought Miller the Pulitzer Prize for Drama as well as the Antoinette Perry (Tony) Award and the New York Drama Critics Circle Award.

Death of a Salesman is considered as a masterpiece by theater critics and historians. The protagonist, Willy Loman, an old salesman, spends his whole life on selling goods and fostering his sons so as to pursue his success in work and dignity in family. But his dream is crushed by the ruthless society. Eventually, he commits suicide. Through the vivid description of the real life of a nobody, the play shows the collision between the reality and the dream. It condemns the harsh reality which compels individuals to forsake their natural talents and dignity to achieve material success and also tackles larger issues regarding American national values. 

Arthur Miller stresses theatrical creation should not only simply focus on people's psychological and subjective world, but also analyze the complicated social life. By analyzing the whole process of Willy’ self-destruction, this paper attempts to interpret his tragic fate from the perspectives of the social environment and his own weaknesses so as to reveal the universal and lasting significance of the play as a modern tragic drama.


Keywords:  Authur Miller  Death of a Salesman  Willy Loman  Tragedy 

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:《推销员之死》被戏剧评论家和历史学家视为杰作。故事的主人公是老推销员威利·洛曼。他将一生倾注于推销商品和教育儿子,以求得事业上的成功和家庭中的威严,但社会的无情和艰......
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