
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Objective of the Research-1

1.2 Significance of the Research-1

1.3 Organization of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-2

2.1 The Developing History of Names-2

2.1.1 Chinese Names-2

2.1.2 History of English Names-2

2.2 Names and Culture-3

Chapter Three A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Name Culture-4

3.1 Similarities-4

3.1.1 The Composition of Names-4

3.1.2 Naming Rules-5

3.2 Differences-6

3.2.1 The Order of a Family Name and a Given Name-6

3.2.2 First Name and Religion-7

Chapter Four Cultural Psychological Attributes of Chinese and English Name Culture-8

4.1 Chinese Cultural Psychological Attributes-8

4.1.1 Blood-relationship-8

4.1.2 Taboo-8

4.2 English Cultural Psychological Attributes-8

4.2.1 Personal Independence-8

4.2.2 Emphasis on Wealth-9

4.2.3 Fashion-9

Chapter Five Conclusion-10





In today’s global village, there are more and more opportunities for people from different cultural backgrounds to communicate with each other. In their communication, however, there are some things that should not be ignored. For example, the first step to communicate-asking for names. Names are the simplest and the most direct symbol to distinguish one person from others. With the development of society, names not only have the practical function of distinction, but also express many kinds of feelings and wishes of people, and become the carrier of history and culture. The thesis makes a comparative study on the similarities and differences in Chinese and English personal names from cultural perspective. And cultural psychological attributes is also involved. In the end, the author draws a conclusion showing the significance and practical applicability of the thesis. The study helps us have a better understanding of English people and their culture, thus the intercultural communication can be more effective.


Keywords:  cultural comparison  Chinese and English names  similarities and differences 

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:随着社会的发展演变,姓名不仅具备了区别功能的实用性作用,而且寄托了人们的各种思想情感和愿望,成为了历史和文化的载体。本文从文化的层面对汉英姓名的异同做了对比研究,......
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