
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare-1

1.2 A Brief Introduction of The Peony Pavilion and Romeo and Juliet-1

1.3 Research Status of The Peony Pavilion and Romeo and Juliet-2

1.4 Objectives and Structure of the Thesis-3

Chapter Two Analysis of the Two Protagonists-4

2.1 Difference in Family and Personality-4

2.2 Difference in Tragic Fate-4

Chapter Three Analysis of Causes for Du and Juliet’s Tragedies-6

3.1 Social and Moral Background Factors-6

3.1.1 Social Transition: Sprout of Capitalism vs. Rise of the Renaissance-6

3.1.2 Moral and Ethical Background: Neo-Confucianism vs. Asceticism-6

3.2 Family Background Factors-8

3.2.1 Family Factors: Concept of Family Status vs. Family Feud-8

3.2.2 Education: Traditional Confucian Notions vs. Humanism-9

3.3 Character Flaw: Obedience vs. Lacking Independent Spirits-9

Chapter Four Literary Significance of Tragedies of Du and Juliet-11

4.1 Aesthetic Significance in Tragedy Ending-11

4.2 Significance in Humanistic Pursuits-11

Chapter Five Conclusion-13





Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu are renowned as greatest dramatists of the west and the east respectively, and it happened that they all lived in 16th century. Their works are regarded as the priceless treasures, shining brightly on the stage more than 400 years. Tang Xianzu is famous dramatist of the Ming Dynasty, and The Peony Pavilion is his proudest works. Through the description of the painful love story of Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei, it accuses the feudal marriage system and Confucianism that oppress the human desire. Shakespeare was one of the best known dramatist of his day. Romeo and Juliet is one of his most famous novels. The play fiercely lashes the decadent feudal system and feudal ethics in the spirit of the Renaissance times.

   This paper aims to explore the cultural difference and different views of love between the East and the West through the comparative analysis of the two heroines’ different fate. And it tries to find out the cause of the two females’ tragedies. Two protagonists are beautiful and naive, innocent in common, and they both dare to pursue their love. They are signs of the awakening of women. But because of the age and historical limitations, their fate is tragic. After the death and life retrieve, Du with Liu get a happy ending. Juliet and her lover died with a strange combination of circumstances. Two women are the victims of feudal society.


Keywords:The peony Pavilion; Romeo and Juliet; Du Liniang; Juliet; tragic fate

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文旨在通过对两位女主人公命运的对比分析来探讨当时东西方文化差异和爱情观的差异,试图找出造成两位女性悲剧结局的原因。两位女人公都美丽天真,善良纯洁,且勇敢坚定地追......
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