
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-02
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Abstract:Autonomous Learning was put forward by Bruner in the 1960s of the 20th century, and then many scholars did researches on it and showed great many of their standpoints and ways of expression. In the field of education, autonomous learning will play an important role in students` study. This study investigates and analyzes the condition of autonomous learning of the translation majors in Zengcheng College’s with the help of questionnaires. And then excel is used to evaluate the condition of autonomous learning. 

   Through the questionnaire investigation, we found many students tend to learn by rote, only some students can do it in their study subconsciously. The abilities of autonomous learning have to be improved. We hope that this study will shed some insights on themselves and activate autonomous learning on our school even all kinds of fields. 

Key Words: Autonomous learning; self-efficacy; intrinsic value; self-regulation






上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:Through the questionnaire investigation, we found many students tend to learn by rote, only some students can do it in their study subconsciously. The abilities of autonomous learning have to be improved. We hope that this study will shed so......
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