
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-02
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Abstract:Retranslation is very common in classic literary works. Previous studies on retranslation primarily follow the traditional prescriptive norm and focus on linguistic dimensions of texts. To provide fresh insights to the existing researches, this thesis attempts to probe into the effects of domestication strategy on retranslated works in different historical contexts.

   This thesis compared with Huang Jizhong’s translations of Uncle Tom’s Cabin with Wang Jiaxiang’s version under the framework of Toury’s translational descriptive theory and Bassnett’s cultural translating theory. Based on secondary research on the previous findings, a comparative analysis is conducted in original work and the two translations from three aspects—language, religion and culture. It’s found out that Toury’s descriptive translation theory has well explained the profound reasons for their domestication translation strategies. This theory systematically explains the characteristics of a translator under a specific historical context in his/her translation activity. The conclusion is that historical contexts do produce different effects on the translators, translations, and even on target language readers, but the common purpose of two translators is to arouse the resonance of the original work by stimulating the same response in TT reader as that in ST readers. 

Key words: Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Huang Jizhong; Wang Jiaxiang; domestication; historical context



   本文将以汤姆叔叔的小屋为例,以图里的翻译理论和苏珊·巴斯内特文化翻译观为框架,将黄继忠和王家湘的翻译至于当时具体的历史背景中,从语言、宗教和文化三个层面对比原作与译文,分析同一作品的不同译本在不同的历史时期受到社会、 历史和文化背景的影响下,为了适应译语文化和译语读者的需要,两位不同历史背景的译者,采用了怎样的归化翻译策略并由此呈现出不同的翻译风格特征。图里的翻译规范理论系统、全面地解释了译者在特定的历史背景下从事翻译活动的特点,并揭示其背后社会文化历史因素所起的重要作用,得出历史背景对译者、译本,乃至译本读者都产生了的不同影响,而译者目的都只为了引起人们对原作品的共鸣,期待产生像源语文化对原作品的巨大反响。



上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:This thesis compared with Huang Jizhong’s translations of Uncle Tom’s Cabin with Wang Jiaxiang’s version under the framework of Toury’s translational descriptive theory and Bassnett’s cultural translating theory. Based on secondary......
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