
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-02
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Abstract:     With the development of society, economics, technology, English has become a more and more important tool of communication. At the same time, facing the opportunities and challenges offered by the globalization, China is in the greatest need of professional talents who, along with their own majors, have a good command of English as their second language to communicate with different people in different fields of international exchange. Thus, English teaching is highly expected to contribute to the Chinese education system and motivating the whole atmosphere for Chinese students especially those from the private colleges.

     Economy is related to politics and technology. And now it is the age of the economic globalization. The requirement for students to use English has been improved, especially economic majors. In our country, many institutes of economies have been using English to give classes in many key universities. Thought it has not been extended in our college (Zengcheng College of South China Normal University), the students need to improve their English skills which will lend a hand to their job hunting and self-studying.

     All behaviors of learning are brought about by learning motivation. Therefore, it has been studied for a long time. These few years, many researchers report that the English learning state of college students is very disappointing, especially economic major students. Some of them lack English learning motivation. However, English learning seems more and more important with the development of society. Nowadays, many careers such as computer technicians, website editors, or even sellers need English skills. In fact, if you want to take part in a better company, you should do well in English. In a word, since many students have not built up a right English learning motivation, they fail in studying English. What’s more, learning motivation can be divided into integrative motivation, instrumental motivation and other motivations. Students have many times to study by themselves, in the university, but we can’t ignore the time in class. From the results of recent study, many scholars emphasize role transition of teachers in the class. As a result, how to stimulate students’ learning motivation in limited time of a class is more and more important. Learning motivation is inherent. It is a kind of psychological tendency or ability which is expressed in a positive psychological state and a favorable study environment. Therefore, the dissertation will focus on the stimulating intrinsic motivation; take an example at non-English major in college.

Key words: learning motivation; economic major; stimulate; intrinsic motivation







上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:Economy is related to politics and technology. And now it is the age of the economic globalization. The requirement for students to use English has been improved, especially economic majors. In our country, many institutes of economies have ......
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