
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小妖 更新时间:2018-02-24
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Abstract:With the increasingly fierce market competition, advertising competition is self-evident, in order to stand out in a large number of ads, designers often use some rhetorical devices to make advertisement more vivid, enhance the expression of the effect of advertising, as to consumers impressed. Personification is one of a common figure of speech. There are two essentialities in advertisement: ideas and language. A good, especially concise vivid and impressive advertisement will arouse consumers’ attention and interest with strong influence and persuasion. The use of rhetorical devices in advertising can influence and stimulate the passion of the public, and ultimately lead to its consumption purpose. This paper intends to have an analysis of the personification in different kinds of advertisements in order to have a deeper understanding of the use of personification.


Key words:personification; advertisement; application





1. Introduction-1

2. The Characteristics and Roles of Advertisement Language-2

2.1 The Characteristics of Advertisement Language-3

2.2 The Roles of Advertisement Language-3

3. Personification in the Different Types and Forms of Advertisement-4

3.1 In Public Service Advertisement-4

3.2 In Commercial Advertisement-5

3.3 In Television Advertisement-5

3.4 In Print Advertisement-6

3.5 In Radio Advertisement-6

4. The Application of Personification in Advertisement-7

4.1 To Use Verbs, Adjectives to Describe "Product"-7

4.2 To Use Personal Pronouns to Refer to "Product"-8

4.3 To Apply to "People" in the Title for the "Product"-8

4.4 To Regard "Product" as "People to Call-8

5. Conclusion-9



上传会员 小妖 对本文的描述:对广告中拟人辞格的研究,可以让我们了解到拟人辞格如何使广告语言散发出独特的魅力,感染大众的情绪,激发大众的激情,最终达到促成消费的目的。本文通过对不同的广告中的拟......
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