
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小妖 更新时间:2018-02-24
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Abstract: For many scholars “Tintern Abbey” is a classics. So they analyze it from different aspects. However, most of them pay attention to explore it’s contents and the William Wordsworth’s feelings about writing this poem. But in this essay the aim of writing it is that the author will try to deeply analyze the ecological consciousness from Wordsworth’s poem “Tintern Abbey”. Of course the author will connect with some other famous works from Wordsworth and then get the conclusion that we should pay more attention to the humanism and environmental protection. While analyzing the poem, the author will talk about the environmental pollution in nowadays and then make people think why so many differences exist between 18th century and now. William Wordsworth, a famous English romantic poet, even many people say that he is a singer of nature. During his whole life, he has created many significant poems. However, from “Tintern Abbey’s natural symbols it is easy for people to understand William Wordsworth’s early thoughts. It also reminds human of paying more attention to have the ecological consciousness. In the poem “Tintern Abbey” his conception of nature is embodied as nature is the spiritual home of human, nature and human are in one. In the return to nature, human nature was able to return.


Key words Wordsworth  ecological consciousness  environmental protection    conception of nature





1. Introduction-5

2. The Deep Analysis of the "Tintern Abbey"-6

2.1 The Contents of "Tintern Abbey"-6

2.2 The Conclusion of "Tintern Abbey" and It’s Significance-7

3. Three Aspects from the "Tintern Abbey"-8

3.1 The Ecological Feminism from the "Tintern Abbey"-8

3.2 The Conception of Nature from the "Tintern Abbey"-8

3.3 The Conception of Environmental Protection from the  "Tintern Abbey"-9

4. The Connections Between "Tintern Abbey" and Ecological Crisis-9

4.1 The Two Concepts of Nature and Human-10

4.2 The Relationship Between Human and Nature-10

5. The Author’s Different Feelings of Living in Different Places and of Bad Environmental Changes.-12

5.1 Some Reports About Natural Disasters Around the World-12

5.2 The Author’s Different Feelings of Living in Thailand and China-13

6. The Connections Between "Tintern Abbey" and Today’s Environment-13

7. The Introspection after Reading the "Tintern Abbey" and the Disasters of Recent Years-14

8. The Happiness from the Peaceful and Healthy Nature in "Tintern Abbey"-15

9. Human Should Protect Nature and Make It Better-16

10. Conclusion-17



上传会员 小妖 对本文的描述:在分析《丁登寺》的过程当中,作者将毫不掩饰的把目前存在的环境污染问题指出来,使人们思考18世纪与当今环境的变化与差距。华兹华斯是著名的英国浪漫主义诗人并且被称为大自然......
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