
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小妖 更新时间:2018-02-24
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Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, China's English education scale expands unceasingly and the English education has made remarkable achievements. However, the current situation of English education still reflect some problems, such as, out- dated education concepts of English teachers, weak scientific research ability and poor psychological quality. Our Chinese educator, Tao Xingzhi also put forward in Take a Conversion With Teachers “Teacher should be on the degree of self-cultivation and wanted others’ respect, first thing needed to do is respect yourself”. So to be a qualified  English teacher is the premise of teaching out a qualified students. According to the problem of English education in our country that have reflected , the author thinks first thing should do is to present the problem out and take an analysis to avoid making mistake again. Meanwhile,this paper lists out the basic qualities of a successful English teacher that should have and it may useful for improving English teachers qualities and abilities and so that English teachers can cultivate the student with both ability and political integrity.


Key words:English teachers; problems; basic qualities





1. Introduction-1

2.The Present Situation of Our English Teachers' Quality-1

2.1 Out- dated Education Concepts of English Teachers-1

2.2 Weak Scientific Research Ability-1

2.3 Poor Psychological Quality-2

3. The Basic Qualities of Successful English Teachers-3

3.1 The Good Cultural Quality-3

3.1.1 Professional English Knowledge-3

3.1.2 Wide Range of Cultural Knowledge-3

3.2 Higher Vocational Moral Cultivation-4

3.2.1 Respect and Love Teaching Work-4

3.2.2 Impart Knowledge and Educate Students-6

3.3 Good Psychological Quality-7

3.3.1 Selfless Dedication Affection-7

3.3.2 The Spirit of Will and Perseverance-8

3.4 Strong Ability of Teaching Research-8

3.4.1 Ability of Language Expression-8

3.4.2 Ability of Innovating-9

3.4.3 Ability of Organization-9 Ability to Organize Teaching-9 Ability to Organize Extracurricular Activities-10

3.4.4 Research Capacity-11 Teaching and Research Ability.-11 Academic Research Ability-12

3.5. The Acute Awareness of Time-12

3.6. The Aspirant Consciousness of Lifelong Learning-12

4. Conclusion-13



上传会员 小妖 对本文的描述:针对反映出的问题,笔者认为首先应该对目前我国英语教师反应出的问题加以分析,使避免问题的再出现,同时列出优秀英语教师所需具备的基本素质,从而使英语教师改进和提升自身......
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