
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小妖 更新时间:2018-02-24
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Abstract: It is well known that there are significant differences in children education of primary and middle school between China and western countries, while such differences have been influencing children’s study and life all the time. In China, although the “exam-oriented”education trained the strong learning abilities of children, such education system neglects the development of creative thinking, which makes the children become the “learning machine”. The “arranged education” of Chinese parents makes their children idiots in daily life. In western countries, with the “quality education”, teachers pay more attention to the development of thinking abilities, practical abilities and social communication abilities of students. Their “liberal education” develops children’s living abilities actively. Children education between Chinese and western counties both has advantages and disadvantages. Through the comparative study, this paper analyzes some typical cases and figures out reasons for the differences. It hopes teachers and parents to realize the advantages of western children education and shortcomings of Chinese children education, learn from the reasonable parts of western children education, find out disadvantages of Chinese children education and attempt to improve it.


Key word: children education; family education; school education





1. Introduction-1

2. The Influence and the Current Situation of Children Education in China and Western Countries-1

2.1 The Influence and the Current Situation of Children Education in China-1

2.2 The Influence and the Current Situation of Children Education in Western Countries-2

3. An Analysis on the Differences of Educational Patterns in Schools Between China and Western Countries-3

3.1 The Differences in Classroom Culture-3

3.2 The Differences in Class Types-4

3.3 The Differences in the Contents and Forms of Examinations5

4. An Analysis on the Differences of Educational Patterns in Their Families between China and Western Countries-6

4.1 Different Attitudes to Children Education in Life-6

4.2 Different Attitudes to Children Education in Study-7

5. Reasons for the Differences of Children Education between China and Western Countries-8

6. Conclusion-9



上传会员 小妖 对本文的描述:中西方的儿童教育各有千秋。本文通过对中西方儿童教育的对比研究,分析一些典型的案例和产生差别的原因, 希望老师和家长认识到中国儿童教育的不足和西方儿童教育的优势,学习西......
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