
资料分类:中英译文 上传会员:孟良山 更新时间:2020-05-12
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译文(字数 2441)


Kristin E. Guest


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外文原文(字符数 6086)

Career Development of School Psychologists

Kristin E. Guest

Seattle University


Overall, the results of this study revealed some consistencies as well as some contrasts with prior research in the life-cycle and career-development traditions. The school psychologists in the current study did not conceptualize their careers in stages. Respondents identified other school psychologists as the most significant influence on their professional development. They cited a formal mentor as potentially the most valuable source of support early in their careers, although few were involved in a formal mentoring relationship. The study respondents identified continuing development opportunities and work with “normal” children as among the most significant additional influences on their professional growth. By and large, the school psychologists in this study did not reflect the degree of professional disengagement or caution toward change noted in the developmental psychology literature. Finally, these school psychologists reported increased tolerance, empathy, self-knowledge and self-confidence, perceived increase in professional knowledge and skills, greater interest in being part of a team, and increased separation of their personal and professional lives over the course of their professional careers. 

上传会员 孟良山 对本文的描述:和许多深度的定性研究一样,这个研究中的25位非随机取样的调查对象,仅仅是来自于西北太平洋的心理咨询教师,他们未必能够代表所有美国心理咨询教师的工作经验。因此,一般说来......
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