
资料分类:中英译文 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-05
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外文出处:Department of Cultural and Creative /British Broadcasting Corporation. London.United Kingdom

The blurring boundary between online games and real life has become an important global phenomenon. Online and video games are rapidly changing cultures and are creating “Synthetic  Worlds” (Castronova, 2005). A unique culture has evolved around China’s online gaming world. For most Chinese internet users, online game, which is considered to be the equivalent of the TV for American baby boomers, has become the dominant and popular form of cultural pastime and entertainment (BeijingReview,2003; Flannery, 2003). A survey conducted by the China Internet Network Information Center in 2006 indicated that over 120 million Chinese played at least one online game. The survey found that Chinese gamers spent 7.3 hours per week on the verage and 21 percent of them played more than 10 hours a week (Shanghai Daily, 2008). ………………

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:网络游戏、游戏外文翻译.doc外文出处:Department of Cultural and Creative /British Broadcasting Corporation. London.United Kingdom......
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