
资料分类:医药学院 上传会员:阿里夫人 更新时间:2014-12-12
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Abstract:In this paper, the ethnic minority students as the research object, using the undergraduate's Network Communication Questionnaire, interpersonal relationship scale and general well-being scale (GWB) conducted a questionnaire survey of minority students, using SPSS software for descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, t test and correlation analysis of the survey data processing, results showed that: (1) the girls in sex tend to interpersonal communication on the network than boys;  in the professional disciplines minority college students had no significant difference; in the national various national students network communication no difference, but the national circle of friends is independent; (2) has a significant negative correlation to interpersonal communication with the national college students interpersonal relationship network, network interpersonal score higher interpersonal distress score is low, namely the interpersonal network better and better, interpersonal relationship problem is less; (3) National University Students' network communication and subjective well-being were positively correlated, network communication scores higher subjective well-being scores more high, namely the interpersonal network better and better, the National University Students' subjective well-being is higher.

Keywords:Minority Students  Network Communication  Questionnaire

上传会员 阿里夫人 对本文的描述:本文针对民族大学生网络交往中的人际关系展开研究,对这种人际关系现状进行分析,找到目前民族大学生人际交往中遇到的问题,并给出解决办法。通过对民族大学生网络交往中人际......
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