
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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关键词:材料拼贴画; 影响因素; 解决策略


Abstract:The ability of children hands more and more the concern of the community, the intelligence of children is reflected in his fingertips, manual activities are an important part of pre-school children's art education is a pre-school children is another important way to explore the world. Collage full of children's physical and mental development to a certain extent, this thesis research of children 5-6 years old collage activity status and influencing factors. Children collage process, the following conclusions: children collage children hands-on creative process, the children in the course runs through the speech act, happy playful behavior, interrupt and other typical performance. Examine factors that affect child collage activities, analysis of internal and external factors affect children collage. Finally, the researcher through the reflection of the realities of the current nursery manual education, put forward a strategy of response to early childhood materials, collage activities.

Key words: Material collage; influencing factors; solving strategies

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:“关于5-6岁幼儿材料拼贴画的调查研究”确定为自己的选题,是因为自己很喜欢幼儿美术活动,同时也比较关注幼儿的动手操作能力。笔者在幼儿园观察幼儿的拼贴画活动时,看到幼儿......
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