
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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Abstract:Held on June 10, 1994 in Salamanca , Spain " special world need to educate the General Assembly" adopted a Declaration proposed the concept of inclusive education . Accommodate all students, it is against the rejection of discrimination, and promote active participation, focusing on collective cooperation to meet the different needs, a rejection, without discrimination or classification of education. Compared to special education, inclusive education reflects the concept of equality for all, is more conducive to the mental health of children with special needs, so that special children are more likely to integrate into society. Through the study of children with hearing impairment cases, combined with the concept of inclusive education, given the countermeasures of mental health education of deaf children in inclusive education perspective, and summarizes the work of teachers in the view of inclusive education. The psychological characteristics of the impaired children to listen for special education schools, I believe that by implementing the idea of inclusive education so that more hearing-impaired children to enjoy a more equitable, democratic, equal education, it is worth every educator worked.

Key words: Inclusive education;Hearing-impaired children;Mental health education

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:笔者通过对听障儿童个案的研究,结合全纳教育的理念,给出了全纳教育视角下听障儿童心理健康教育的对策,并总结了全纳教育视角下教师的工作。针对特殊教育学校听障儿童的心理......
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