
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-03
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【Abstract】With the country and society at all levels of government attention to preschool education, preschool education level of the teachers has been widespread concern. The male teachers of the" special groups" gradually accepted and recognized, male students in preschool education major ' occupation identity becomes high. Male students in preschool education major attending professional psychological and behavioral status has changed. This article from the male students in preschool education major, their own understanding of life, learning, social public opinion on aspects of male occupation identity and survival status to influence factor research.

  Based on the Nanjing Xiaozhuang University of male students in preschool education major as the research object. Includes:08 stage2(1to09grade primary ),2,10 stage3(1to11 grade primary ),7. By means of literature, questionnaire, interviews and other research methods for the survival of the status and occupation identity and to study, hope to let more people understand the current situation of male students in preschool education major.

【Key words】 Boys; occupation; status identity

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:随着我校学前教育专业男生数量的增加,其就读动机、就读目的,以及其就读现状引起了我的广泛兴趣。笔者想通过对学前教育专业男生们在校期间的学习、生活、心理等方面的研究,......
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