
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-03
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[摘要] 幼儿园保育员是幼儿园保教结合的主要实施者之一,保育员的现状也影响着整体的教学质量。本文通过问卷调查法、访谈法,对常熟市某一幼儿园的保育员现状进行调查,分析当前幼儿园保育员存在的问题:缺乏专业知识技能、对工作不重视、保教科研能力差、参与教学工作积极性低、保教能力素质不高;以及形成这些问题的原因,并提出了提高保育员现状的对策:提高保育员的上岗要求,加强职前职后培训;提高幼儿园、教师、家长对保育员工作的认识度;开展保育研究工作,促进保教科研;建立科学的评估体系,设置合理的奖惩制度,优化保育管理。

[关键 词] 保育员现状 ;问题; 对策


[Abstract] :Nursery nurse kindergarten and teaching combined with one of the main perpetrators of the status of the nurse affect the overall quality of teaching. Questionnaire, interview, Changshu City, a kindergarten nurse status of work to investigate, analyze current problems in the nursery nurse work: the lack of professional knowledge and skills to work seriously, and teaching research capacity to participate in teaching enthusiasm and teaching ability and quality is not high; and the formation of the reasons for these problems, and proposed countermeasures to improve the nurse work status quo: the nurse's job requirements, pre-vocational training; kindergarten, teachers, parents caregivers recognize degrees; to carry out conservation work to promote Paul's teaching and research; to establish a scientific evaluation system, set a reasonable reward and punishment system, and optimize the conservation and management. 

[Key words] :Nursery status quo   Problem   Countermeasure

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:研究者作为一名未来的教师,在实习过程中,与保育员的接触和合作中,发现保育员各方面存在着不少问题,通过本次研究,希望能够找出保育员存在的一些问题,并提出相应的教育建......
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