
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-03
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Abstract: This paper adopts the research methods, the practice class children for a period of three weeks in early research, identified in a peer to peer with aggressive children's characteristics are East (a pseudonym ) as a case study. Through to try to be the children's daily activities, communication way, communication communicative nature of results and other aspects of the in-depth observation and teacher, parent interviews, in-depth analysis of the impact of case children's peer interaction factors. The research shows that: the aggressive early intercourse lack experience, with no mother to build a solid parent-child attachment; the class teachers of paying too much attention to child discipline, teacher 's comment on negative; home communication of higher quality will influence character by environment influences its peer status.

Key words: Peer interaction; Aggressive children; Parenting style

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:很多研究者做过相关的实证研究也表明我国幼儿同伴交往确实存在严重问题并且也得出了影响幼儿同伴交往出现问题的原因。同伴交往影响因素的研究已经相当的丰富,但是影响攻击性......
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