
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-03
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摘  要:当幼儿处于同伴群体中时,他们之间往往会出现各种各样的人际冲突,这时就需要幼儿运用协商等恰当的方式协调意愿,以求得到同伴的认可和接纳。而协商作为交往的一种技巧,不仅有助于幼儿交往能力的提高,同时也能对幼儿良好个性的培养起到促进作用。


关键词:协商; 协商策略; 幼儿同伴协商行为


Abstract:When children in a peer group, they often can appear between all kinds of interpersonal conflict, at this time will need to young children use negotiation, etc the proper way to coordinate, in order to get recognized and accepted companion. While to talk things over as communication a skill, not only helps to improve the communication ability of children, at the same time also can to children the cultivation of good personality, play a role in promoting.

  This study, based on the reality of thinking, through the observation and events of the sampling method, the record of the children in the kindergarten all activities and the use of different negotiation strategy, analyzes some of the children in peer interaction of the existing problems in reason and the influencing factors, and to give certain education Suggestions.

Key words:Consultation;  Negotiation strategy;  Young children peer consultation behavior

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:对于学前儿童来说,进入幼儿园面临的最大变化恐怕就是人际关系的变化。在家庭中,父母长辈对孩子的行为总是作出积极的反馈,使得孩子几乎没有机会与他人协商以满足自己的需要......
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