
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-03
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[摘要]  冲突行为是幼儿与同伴之间频繁发生的一种社会互动形式,长久以来,我们一般只看到了冲突在表面上显现出的消极特征,而忽视了去挖掘冲突中蕴涵的深层次的心理发展价值。实质上,冲突对儿童的社会化具有独特的价值。


[关键词]  同伴冲突;教师介入


Abstract:Peer Conflict  is the frequent occurrence of a form of social interaction between the child and companion, a long time, we generally only see the negative characteristics of conflict appeared on the surface, to the neglect to dig deep psychological conflict implies the development of value. In essence, the conflict on the socialization of children has a unique value.

In this paper, the kindergarten teacher the Taipan peer conflict intervention behavior observation and analysis tools from the teachers involved in the behavior, the children feedback behavior and emotional characteristics summarized overview of the teachers involved in the behavior of; on this basis, respectively, Chinese teachers involved in the cultural differences between the behavior of the emotional characteristics and emotional characteristics of the intervening act of foreign teachers, nursery management system in-depth analysis and discussion, the following conclusions.  

Keywords:Children's conflict ; Intervention of Teacher.

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:在实习期间观察中,笔者在幼儿园看到的情况,发现很多幼儿不能很好的解决同伴之间发生的冲突,不能很好地处理与同伴之间的关系,而同伴交往又是幼儿必须要面对和经历的,是成......
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