
资料分类:幼儿教育 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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摘 要:我国著名教育家陶行知先生曾提出“生活化教育”,幼儿园课程也正在进行着一场根本性的变革。这场变革的一个核心理念就是幼儿园教育活动的组织应“寓教育与生活、游戏之中”,同时也要求“教育向生活回归”。在幼儿园课程改革的背景下,本文主要针对峨山县A地区幼儿园本土课程资源的开发利用状况进行调查研究,剖析该地区在开发和利用本土艺术教育课程方面存在的问题,从而提出相应的策略及建议,希望有益于现实问题的解决。



Abstract:A famous educator in China named Tao Xing Zhi , he has already pointed an idea called “Education in a life way”. The course in kindergarten is also changing completely. The most important point in this transform is that the organization of kindergarten should around two ideas. That’s they should not only et children learn more from real life and games, but also must make the education into real life again. So under the background of kindergarten’s curriculum reform, this article focuses on Kindergartens in A area E Shan ,for its local curriculum resources development and situation, we will have a overall research .At the same time we will analysis of the problems of the region in the development and utilization of local arts education programs .Then in the end we will give the strategies and recommendations so that can help many people to sole some real problems in this area .

Keywords: Eshan Yi Autonomous County; kindergartens; local art; curriculum resources; development and utilization

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:目前,我们乡村幼儿园课程资源开发利用的实践举步维艰,绝大部分还是以教材为唯一的课程资源。因此,对该地区幼儿园如何有效地开发利用本土艺术教育资源进行研究具有现实意义......
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